Scavi e Demolizioni per le Tue esigenze

Richiedi un sopralluogo e un preventivo gratuito oggi stesso!

Bertazzo Scavi: Professionalità e Precisione

Sono un libero professionista specializzato in scavi e piccole demolizioni. Offro sopralluoghi e preventivi gratuiti per garantire la massima soddisfazione dei miei clienti.

An excavator is actively demolishing a stone structure near a canal. The backdrop includes classic European architecture and a prominent domed building. The setting appears to be urban, with cobblestone paths and a clear blue sky.
An excavator is actively demolishing a stone structure near a canal. The backdrop includes classic European architecture and a prominent domed building. The setting appears to be urban, with cobblestone paths and a clear blue sky.
La nostra missione
I nostri servizi

Contattaci per un sopralluogo gratuito e scopri come possiamo aiutarti con i tuoi progetti di scavo e demolizione, sempre con professionalità e attenzione ai dettagli.

Scavi e Demolizioni

Offriamo servizi professionali di scavi e demolizioni con preventivi e sopralluoghi gratuiti.

Sopralluoghi Gratuiti
An orange excavator is performing demolition work amidst a pile of rubble and debris, surrounded by partially demolished buildings. The machine is branded with 'Hitachi' on its side and is set against a backdrop of brick and concrete structures.
An orange excavator is performing demolition work amidst a pile of rubble and debris, surrounded by partially demolished buildings. The machine is branded with 'Hitachi' on its side and is set against a backdrop of brick and concrete structures.

Richiedi un sopralluogo senza impegno per i tuoi progetti di scavi e demolizioni.

A construction excavator is engaged in demolition work, surrounded by smoke and dust. The machinery is positioned on a pile of rubble, consisting of broken concrete and twisted metal. A 'no parking' sign is displayed among the debris, and a partially destroyed building is visible in the background.
A construction excavator is engaged in demolition work, surrounded by smoke and dust. The machinery is positioned on a pile of rubble, consisting of broken concrete and twisted metal. A 'no parking' sign is displayed among the debris, and a partially destroyed building is visible in the background.
A construction excavator with a bucket attachment is demolishing a brick building. Rubble and dust are visible as the bricks fall and the structure collapses. The building appears to be residential with windows and parts of the interior exposed.
A construction excavator with a bucket attachment is demolishing a brick building. Rubble and dust are visible as the bricks fall and the structure collapses. The building appears to be residential with windows and parts of the interior exposed.
Preventivi Personalizzati

I nostri preventivi sono dettagliati e senza impegno. Scopri il costo del tuo progetto.

Rivolgiti a noi per lavori di precisione e rispetto dei tempi di consegna.

Affidabilità Garantita

Galleria Progetti

Scopri i nostri lavori di scavi e demolizioni realizzati.

An excavator is placed on top of a pile of rubble amidst a construction site. The construction equipment is positioned in an urban environment, surrounded by modern glass office buildings. The machinery is labeled with the brand 'Caterpillar' and the name 'AWR Abbruch'. A second orange excavator stands nearby, contributing to the ongoing demolition work. The atmosphere suggests a busy site as the excavators appear functional and operational.
An excavator is placed on top of a pile of rubble amidst a construction site. The construction equipment is positioned in an urban environment, surrounded by modern glass office buildings. The machinery is labeled with the brand 'Caterpillar' and the name 'AWR Abbruch'. A second orange excavator stands nearby, contributing to the ongoing demolition work. The atmosphere suggests a busy site as the excavators appear functional and operational.
A large excavator with a yellow arm and bucket is demolishing the upper floor of a concrete building. Exposed rebar and broken concrete slabs are visible amidst the debris. Dust is rising from the destruction.
A large excavator with a yellow arm and bucket is demolishing the upper floor of a concrete building. Exposed rebar and broken concrete slabs are visible amidst the debris. Dust is rising from the destruction.
A construction site featuring two excavators, one yellow and one orange, positioned on a pile of broken concrete and rocks. Modern office buildings with glass facades form the backdrop. The scene indicates active demolition or construction activity.
A construction site featuring two excavators, one yellow and one orange, positioned on a pile of broken concrete and rocks. Modern office buildings with glass facades form the backdrop. The scene indicates active demolition or construction activity.
A construction site featuring a large blue excavator digging into the ground near a concrete wall. There is a worker wearing a helmet and noise-cancelling earmuffs near the excavator observing the work. The ground is covered with dark dirt and debris. In the background, there are concrete walls and part of a yellow building with a window and some pipes.
A construction site featuring a large blue excavator digging into the ground near a concrete wall. There is a worker wearing a helmet and noise-cancelling earmuffs near the excavator observing the work. The ground is covered with dark dirt and debris. In the background, there are concrete walls and part of a yellow building with a window and some pipes.

Contattaci per informazioni

Richiedi un sopralluogo gratuito per scavi e demolizioni. Siamo a tua disposizione per preventivi e consulenze personalizzate.


+39 3484608274
